Friday, February 6, 2009

Who's not afraid to look at the mirror? Raise your hand! .... Wow! You're so lucky if you raised your hand! 

Since the day I had this acne, looking at the mirror has become one of my fears especially during morning after I woke up. Before I look at the mirror, I will close my eyes first and slowly open it. "Tada!" I still have lots of pimples on my face! Every night I pray, hoping that the next morning, when I look at my face, I will see a clear face... no acne and acne scars... But until now, I still suffer from acne. But it's okay, I know God has a better plan for me. :)

Is there anyone who's also afraid to look at the mirror? Or I'm the only one? haha! What are your preparations before you look at the mirror? Do you say "I'm so handsome/beautiful" every time you see yourself at the mirror? Because sometimes, I do that! I'd say "I'm so handsome!" because it's true! I'm handsome and cute. haha! No one is ugly right? So even though you have acne on your face, you still look good! Believe in yourself! One day, your dream, our dream.. will finally come true! Don't stop praying, have faith in God. God bless everyone! Have a wonderful day! :)
