Saturday, January 31, 2009Posted by
I've been too busy for the past few days because of so many projects, homeworks, and other school activities that's why I wasn't able to update this blog. I know I don't have any readers yet, but I know someday, people will visit this blog and they will be able to relate to my stories.
For the past few weeks, I didn't see any cystic pimples forming on my face (inspite of my busy sched, and stressful days), but there was a few little bumps. I just put Benzoyl Peroxide with Erythromycin Gel that I got from my derma and the little bumps will stop forming. Now, my Benzoyl Peroxide is empty, and I don't have the money yet to buy for another one. Luckily, I have Tea Tree Oil in my drawer and that's what I'm using while I don't have the Benzoyl Peroxide. But I have noticed that Tea Tree Oil is not good to apply on the whole face... I think it's better as "on the spot treatment". I'm using 100% pure Tea Tree Oil because I thought it will be more effective if it's not diluted. I applied it on my whole face for 2 nights. The feeling after applying the TTO on my face was so warm.. the smell is not that bad but my siblings is really irritated whenever they smell it! XD
After 2 nights of applying the TTO, when I woke up on the 3rd day (Friday 01/30/09), I saw my cheeks was so red!! And it felt really dry and very itchy! I went to the school with very red cheeks. My girlfriend asked me if I put blush-on and I said "NO! My face just got irritated because of my pillow". And I think she believed me.. My classmates also thought that I used blush-on but my girlfriend told them that my face was just irritated. Later on that day, my face really became so itchy!!! I asked my gf to slapped me to lessen the itchiness so she really slapped me. Ouch! that's my initial reaction.. And she'll kiss me on the cheeks and the hurt goes away! XD but the itchiness returns again and I'll ask her again to slap me and she'll slap me again and kiss me again....
After few hours.. My face really became so itchy again, when I touched my forehead, I got goosebumps! I felt many many many tiny bumps on my forehead!! I don't want to look at the mirror because I don't want to see how does it look so I let my gf to see it. She told me that it's just tiny bumps but so many. I went to the cr to see how bad is it, and I saw my forehead was full of tiny bumps with "pus" (yellowish liquid that you see on your pimples) on it! It's so itchy!!
When I got home, before I went to sleep, I put Hydrocort with Clotrimazole on the affected areas (forehead, cheeks). The itchiness goes away but the bumps was still there. When I woke up (Saturday 01/31/09), I saw few bumps were gone already and the itchiness is not that bad anymore. After I washed my face, I put Hydrocort again, and before I went to sleep I put Hydrocort again. And when I woke up (Sunday 02/01/09) the bumps and the itchiness were gone!
From now on, I'll use Tea Tree Oil on the spot only.. not in the whole face. If any of you is experiencing tiny bumps that makes your skin so itchy (and you're sure that those are not pimples) I recommend you to use Hydrocort with Clotrimazole. It's really effective. :) God bless everyone!!
my stories
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I have a very unique and bad way of extracting my blackheads... I'm using "nail cutter" yes, "nail cutter" in extracting my blackheads. But I make sure that it's clean. I'll soak it in hot water and then put alcohol on it. And I'll use it as blackhead extractor. And it's effective. The nail cutter that I'm using is new and I don't use it to cut my nails! I promised to myself that when I have the money, I will buy a comedone extractor but it's too expensive... that's why until now, I'm still using nail cutter.
How bout you? What do you use? I discover that some people are using ballpen to extract their blackheads. I haven't tried it yet. I'm happy and contented with the nail cutter.. But when I have the money, I'll buy comedone extractor. :)
my stories
Monday, January 19, 2009Posted by
Before, I really don't want to go to the derma. But when I go to college, I tried to go to a derma. Her name is Dra. Guieb, and she's very cool!! And she's a really good dermatologist. She doesn't offer products that you don't really need unlike other dermatologists who offer products that you don't need at all! And the best things is, even if she's a very brilliant dermatologist, she doesn't charge big! Before, I go to her 2-3 times a week to have an injection. Yeah, that's true. 2-3 times a week. That's how bad my acne was. Injection costs 50 pesos (1$). She doesn't charge per pimple, it's like a package, she'll inject all the pimple that she'll see on your face for 1$. I really believe that she's a brilliant derma even if she didn't make my acne stop. I'm just a hard-headed patient. I didn't follow all her prescriptions. Before, she asked me if I want to take a pill. I said what pill? She said "acnetrex". So I tried it, every pill costs P50 (1$). I should take it 3 times a week, so that's about P150 (3$) a week. I've taken it for 1 1/2 months. And I've seen a very impressive result, I barely have acne while I was taking the pill but my skin has dried too much. And because I didn't have enough money to continue buying the pill, I stopped using it. So my acne started to show again. I bought benzoyl peroxide on her clinic and it's really good and I'm using it until now, if I see a zit forming, I'll just put the benzoyl peroxide there and the next morning, it's gone. She also gave me Night Cream, it's for the acne scars. It will make my skin peel. She also gave me a sunblock because I'm using night cream. Night Cream and Benzoyl Peoxide costs P150 (3$), and the sunblock costs P50 (1$). But I stopped using the night cream and sunblock after 2 months. Maybe because my skin looks good already. But after a month, acne and acne scars occured again. I tried another product but not from her clinic. Some worked good but mostly, made my skin worst. If I just follow all the prescriptions of Dra. Guieb, maybe I have a wondeful skin now. I still go to her clinic once month for consultation. I also have diamond peel on her clinic just to lighten up my acne scars. And sometimes,I go to her clinic for facial treatment.
Any experience with your dermatologist? Share it here! Any things you want to say? Just leave a comment. Thank you and God bless!
my stories
Friday, January 16, 2009Posted by
If you want to remove your stubborn blackheads, follow these guidelines:
Light squeezing: You can remove the stuff from inside a blackhead with light handed squeezing. Such a process can actually help the skin. Yes, squeezing is detrimental to the skin, but how you squeeze determines whether it harms the skin or benefits it. Gentle is the key word and you have to be careful not to over squeeze it.

Using products for exfoliating: You can use some low potency benzoyl peroxide exfoliating product for removing dead skin cells. It is very effective on the blackheads and is mild to your skin as well. In this way you can remove even the most stubborn blackheads. Also, microdermabrasion can be used to remove stubborn blackheads.

Metallic Extractor: You can also take the help of a metallic extractor that has a small and round opening in the end. You can individually plug out each blackhead by using it. But, it must be done with utmost care to prevent scarring.

Diet/Food: You also need to alter your bad eating habits. You need to naturally reduce the oil production, initiate appropriate moisture for the skin and reduce acne. Drink lots of water and avoid oil food. Also, include lots of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Cooked carbohydrates and fats are a big no no and use raw fats such as olive oil in your recipes.

Courtesy of Acnetalks.com
from the web
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Here are some natural products that I found on the net that can be useful to treat our acne. I'm using some of these natural products and I'm happy with the results.
Baking soda – A very cheap cooking ingredient that most people have in their homes already, baking soda can be used as a great scrub. The purpose of a scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots. To start off, you'll want to mix a small amount of baking soda with some water for form a paste. Baking soda is very effective as a scrub, so you want to be sure to be extra careful when applying it to your face. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off, and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Egg Whites – Rich in protein, egg whites can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin. To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg whites are left behind. Beat these egg whites, and apply them directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.
Oatmeal – As odd as it may seem, oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should begin to start noticing results soon.
Tea Tree Oil – TTO is a commonly used all-natural household antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply TTO directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you strongly dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba oil), over your entire face. Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many are made for applying over large areas of skin, so they aren't quite as strong as straight TTO and do not need to be diluted.

from the web
Saturday, January 10, 2009Posted by
I started to have pimples when I was on 3rd Yr. High School (how did my acne start? read my last post). And now, I'm already 3rd Yr. College. For more than 4 years of suffering from acne, I've used a lot of products that says "helps prevent pimples", "dries out pimples fast",and many more. But only few really prevent and dries out pimples.. these are the products that I have used for the past 4 years:
1. Clean & Clear Deep Cleaning Facial Wash - I bought it because it says that it helps prevent pimples. But after using it, my acne got worst. Rating - 2/10

2. Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser - this product is good because it keeps my skin oil free for a long time. Rating - 6/10
3. Clean & Clear Blackheads Scrub - my acne got worst after using this product. Rating - 1/10
4. Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash - it really dries out the pimples but made my skin really really dry. Rating - 7/10

5. Eskinol Tea Tree Oil Facial Wash - it helps prevent pimples but after 3 weeks of using it, it's not that effective anymore. Rating - 7/10
6.Proactiv - so far, this is the best product I've used. I really see a big improvement on my face after using it. But I didn't continue using it because it's too expensive. Rating - 9/10

7. PanOxyl 2.5% & 5% - a good over-the-counter product. I also see a big improvement on my face after using it. I recommend 2.5% because it doesn't dry the skin too much. It's a lot cheaper than Proactiv. Rating - 9/10
8. Eskinol with Dalacin C, Affaxine, Squalene, Myra 300 E - this has been famous here in the Philippines. My friend told me to use this because it's really effetive so I decided to try it. And it works great! But I didn't continue using it after a month because it's becoming less effective. Rating - 8/10
9. Sensa Tea Tree Oil Facial Wash - I'm using this product now. It helps prevent my pimples from coming. Doesn't dry the skin too much. Rating - 8/10

10. Tea Tree Oil (The Body Shop) - pure tea tree oil helps combat pimples. It's really effective for me. When I see a pimple forming, I'll just put a little tea tree oil on it and when I wake up, its gone. The problem is, it's too expensive. 10mL for about 8$ / P390.00. Rating - 9/10

11. Baking Soda - I know some of you didn't know that baking soda can be used to treat pimples (there are so many natural products that can be used to treat pimples, and I'll post it next time). I just used this last December 2008 for about 2 weeks and I've seen an improvement on my face. How to use this? Mix 2 tbsp of baking soda and a little water until you form a thick paste and scrub it gently on your face for about 1 minute and leave it on your face for about 1 minute and rinse with warm water. Rating - 8/10

12. Lemon/Lime as a toner - I'm currently using this together with my Sensa Tea Tree Oil Facial Wash. It made my pores smaller and my acne marks is fading fast. How to make Lemon/Lime Toner? Squeeze the lemon/lime and put it in a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Put a little water if it stings when you're applying it on your face. Rating - 9/10
There you have it! But there are still products that I have used but I forgot their names, I'll just post it next time if I remember their names. By the way, since I'm a guy, most of this products are bought secretly. I don't want my mom or my sister or my girlfriend to know what I am using. I'm just shy to tell them. What are the products that I bought and used secretly? Clean & Clear Facial wash, Clean & Clear Blackheads Scrub, Proactiv, PanOxyl, Eskinol with Dalacin C - Affaxine - Squalene - Myra 300 E, Tea Tree Oil, Baking Soda. It's really hard to be a guy. lol! Before I'm just using water to clean my face, and look what happened?! I became metrosexual now. lol! But it's fine, it's better to take care of your face than just let pimples conquer your whole face.
Do you have any stories to tell? How about products that you want to share to us? Just email me at acnestation@gmail.com and I'll post your story here in my blog. Inspire other people with your story. Let's spread the cure!
my stories
Friday, January 9, 2009Posted by
Since I was a kid, I was always noticed by other people because of my good skin from top to toe. Some would tell me that I'm so lucky because I do not have to take a bath for me to look clean. They said that when I grow up, I wouldn't have pimples... I only use water to clean my face before because I don't have an oily face at that time. But on a hot day of May 2004, while I was taking a bath, I looked at the mirror, touched my face... (I didn't know that that would be the last time I'm going to touch my smooth face). After touching my face, I get my body soap and I massaged it on my face. I felt good because that's the first time I did that but when I rinsed it, my face felt rough. So I get my loofa , and I scrub my face roughly until the roughness is gone. My face turned red! But it felt smooth. After one day, I noticed that there were few bumps on my forehead. I didn't mind it at first but as days passed by, few bumps turned into many bumps. My mom noticed it and she told me that I should go to the dermatologist. But I don't like to go to the derma because I thought they'll just make my pimples worst! So I look for other ways, one night, I saw my grand mother washing her face with warm water. I asked her why she's using warm water. She told me that it can kill the bacteria. So the other day, I decided to wash my face with HOT water because I thought it would be more effective than warm water. Everyday, for about 5 months, I used HOT water to wash my face. It really hurts. My face always turns red after washing my face. After 5 months of using hot water, there were no improvements at all. It only made my skin worst! My pores became bigger! Bumps turned into large pimples. I want to stop studying at that time because every student in our campus and even my professors are wondering and asking what happened to me? What happened to my face? I tried different products to treat my acne, many many many products (I'll be posting those products that I've used some other time) but none of them really treat my acne. Important events have passed by like New Year's Party, JS Prom, Graduation Day, my Birthday, and I celebrated those events with big pimples on my face... Everynight while I was praying, I cried.. I'm asking Him, why did this happen to me.. What have I done..? And I'm wishing, can You turn back the time? Can You turn it back to the day that I'm going to scrub my face? Everynight for 2 years, that has been my prayer. But now that I have my wonderful girlfriend, I changed my prayer because I don't want to turn back the time. I'm scared that I might not see my girlfriend again... She loves me eventhough I have pimples on my face. But sometimes I feel so shy when we are walking together because she is so beautiful and she has a very wondeful skin... But now that I'm already 3rd Yr. College, my skin improved but the pimples is not totally gone. I still have acne marks and whiteheads and blackheads. When there is an upcoming pimple, I would go to my derma and she'll inject my pimple so it would dry faster. By the way, few months after my High School Graduation, I decided to go to the dermatologist and she's my friend now! (I'll be posting my story with my derma some other time). :)
Well, this is the summary of my story. Any violent reactions? Comments or suggestions? Feel free to write on the comment box. If you have any stories to share, please send them up here at acnestation@gmail.com and I'll be posting it here in my blog. Please send your stories, don't keep it to yourself. You can inspire others with your stories.
my stories
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Who am I?
I'm a 3rd Yr. college student taking up HRM. I love to surf the net (search for something that can treat this damn acne!), I also love to cook, listen to music, watch tv & movies.
Why did I make this blog?
1st: I want to share my stories to everyone who have the same problem - acne.
2nd: I want to hear your stories.
3rd: I want to have someone to talk to about my problem (because not everyone understands what you're going through... only those who's experiencing the same problem can help and understand you...)
4th: I want to inspire other people with my stories. And I also want to be inspired by your stories...
5th: I want to make this blog a meeting place for us. (where we can share what we feel, our problems, the things that we're using to treat our acne, and many more)
6th: I want to spread the cure! (this is really my goal, I need your help guys, LET'S SPREAD THE CURE!)
How can we spread the cure?
If you have any stories to tell (how did your acne start, products that you are using, tips and techniques to treat acne, anything). Just send them here at acnestation@gmail.com and I'll be posting it here in my blog. Inspire and help others with your story.
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